Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Food Trucks Fun and Yum!

This was the second year we hit the food truck festival and savored the unique and scrumptious creations from the various food truck chefs. Truck by truck, bit by bit. How I wish we could sample all. Our bellies could only handle so much we gotta stopped. It was quite a hit and miss this year. Half of the food we tried tasted so good but another half was not good at all.

Before the festival, I did my research and planned ahead since there were 35 vendors. It was mainly because we had to wait in line for a long time last year at certain trucks. So this year I decided ahead of time as what trucks I wanted to visit. Of course I primarily aimed for Asian fusion food trucks while my husband focused on his meaty burger truck. I sure was hungry and ready!
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Kimchi Ramen: this was soooooooooo good. Spicy and full of flavors. A unique mix of kimchi in Ramen and crispy tempura chicken.  photo ft5_zps9mwfq9zq.jpg
I couldn't recall what was in this burger that the husband got but he loved it.  photo ft6_zpsxpjzzp0w.jpg  photo ft7_zpsxzgu77x6.jpg  photo ft8_zps9zteoqgg.jpg
Swaggy dog sushi: OMG this was super delicious!!!! Shrimp tempura and fried corn wrapped in sushi rice/seaweed served with spicy aioli sauce. I have been craving for this.
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Ahi Tuna Taco: it looked good but the husband said it was overly salty.  photo ft10_zpsivffuzcj.jpg
These little desserts were golden oreo deep fried in fennel cake batter. Oh my, don't even imagine how many calories each little piece had. I didn't like it though but the husband loved it so much.  photo ft11_zpsd7s54mph.jpg

In summary, I am hungry!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Beauty of Spring & Life Updates

Spring must be the most favorite time of the year. In the past, I never looked and saw Spring the way I see now. The only difference that each season brings to me was simply the difference in temperature, that was all. Sadly it was such a poor outlook of a person who never really took the time to appreciate little things in life or the beauty that our mother nature offers. However, I was glad it didn't take me a lifetime to finally realize the small things in life. I love the beauty of Spring when everything is coming back to life after a long period of cold and dark days. Seeing those little and colorful flowers never fail to make me happy.

On another note, life has been crazy ever since last summer. Work related stress ate me up and consumed my energy for months. Last year was crazy to say at least. The possibility of losing a job plus the fear of having breast cancer were the worst combination of all, they were the two crazy things that happened right around the same time last year. Hence the reason of the absence from this space for the longest time.
Looking back now, I never wanted a year like that again. The worst part of all was the wait. The wait to hear about the decision at work. The wait to hear the biopsy result. The wait was killing me! I remember coming home everyday feeling exhausted physically and emotionally. I felt all tensed from head to toe every single day due to stress from work. One night the fear of having cancer hit me hard, I was sitting right next to my daughter's bed watching her sleep at night. My tears were rolling down my eyes. I couldn't help but thought about all kind of things that could happen if those white spots they saw in the mammogram turned out to be cancer. I let my imagination ran wild. I worried about my daughter's life most. I didn't want to die, she still needed me at this age I thought. It was awful.
Finally by September, the dark clouds finally started to move away and the sky slowly cleared up. Three people in the same department were let go and the other three (me included) were safe. It was very emotional seeing the coworkers you had worked with for 10 years go. Those that stay carry triple workloads, it was not fun but we are grateful that we still have jobs. It is quite a blessing these days. Next the result I had been waiting for weeks finally arrived, no cancer. NO CANCER..NO CANCER...I happily repeated with joy and relief. I could never been anymore grateful to be healthy right now. 
Despite the stressful situations I had gone through, I realized that you only made everything worse by worrying yourself to death. Whatever happens, happens. There is no point in worrying too much about things that haven't come (which is difficult for me to do because I can worry about anything you can imagine). I always say that I believe everything in life happens for a reason. I believe those two incidents were great reminders that life is unexpected and too short. Don't take things for granted. 
Live now, enjoy life now, share with others now, love now, appreciate now and worry less.
Thank you Kim, Rowena, Jane@Another Momma Blog, Trishie, Jane@Winding Ridge Lane, Jo, Louise and Diva in Me for visiting this blog and/or keeping me company on Instagram during the hiatus period. Hope to be back soon. Miss reading all your posts.
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