Thursday, January 7, 2016

2016 Goals

I do not normally have New Year's resolutions per se but let just say these are things that I plan to accomplish. Each year I set a few goals and check back at the end of each year whether I meet them or not. Personally, setting goals helps me stay on track and do things with purposes. My key is to not set too many and they have to be realistic enough to achieve or I could end up feeling less motivated.
#1 Slow down with life and try not to stress:
This is a very difficult one. It is something I have tried for years but have yet accomplish or come close. I am improving but still have a long way to go. I have a love and hate relationship being a full time working mother.  I always feel rushed from the moment to I wake up. While it feels great to get my own paychecks, having a sense of success/accomplishment and pride in my career, I totally hate not being able to spend enough time with my daughter or maintain the house the way I want to. It is almost impossible to have it all when you spend 8 waking hours at work and very few at home. I need to accept this fact and feel grateful for what it is. 
Stress is a silent killer and I feel I need to do something about it to lower my stress level before it kills me. I certainly want to live for as long as so I can be with my little one.
#2 Take more photos and get back to blogging
Crazy things always happened during the last six months and this proved to be true in the last two years for me. I am a little anxious as what 2016 will bring. A little break from craziness would greatly be appreciated. Blogging was totally out of the picture. My life was pretty much in this loop, from work to home to stress and to craziness.
I miss taking pictures and blogging. For the most part, I miss connecting with my fellow blogging buddies.
#3 Spend more time outdoor and grow flowers/veggies
Weather in 2015 just didn't quite make this happen. It always rained on weekends and tell me why the rain always held off until the weekends arrived. I miss spending time outside to grow and enjoy my flowers and veggies.
#4 Play with a little one and be more active
I am not the best mom when it comes to playing with her child. Thanks to work that drained my energy and mentality. In the past few months, I have begun to manage my work/life balance differently. Playing with kids is a great way to stay active. The little ones are so full of energy! Great way to exercise. The other weekend we played football in the backyard and ran in circle about 10 times. I almost died because I was so out of shape. Time to shape up!
What do you want to accomplish this year?


  1. I like your 2016 list of goals, since they are so simple but they sure can make your year happier! Especially spending time with your daughter and doing your favourite thing - photographing and blogging! Please, do it, since your photos are so beautiful! Hope 2016 will be more relaxed for you! Happy Friday!

  2. I don't do resolutions either. I think goals are a more laid back approach to what one wants to accomplish. A work life balance is tough for most but I can imagine it's even harder when you're a mom. I think that 2, 3 and 4 will certainly help you with tackling the first one Nelah. I find doing things that make me happy always helps reduce stress. I want to continue taking better care of myself and getting out more. I also want to explore some different sides of photography this year.

  3. I can completely relate on the struggles of being a working mum. Just like you i take a lot of pride from my job and career, but there is this constant nagging that I should be more relaxed/attentive/loving when it comes to my daughter, and not trying to sneak in a phone call or do the dishes while she is awake.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  4. I gave up on resolutions a long time ago, but goals are good. The first one is definitely something on my list every year. I'm a worrier, and now that I'm a mom, I worry even more, so I'm always trying to find ways to de-stress. Spending time with my little ones is on my list too. Finding balance is definitely really difficult; it's a constant struggle for me. I guess I'm just a work in progress regardless of the year.

  5. I love the idea of your goals, so much better than resolutions. Doing more things outdoors and playing with the little ones are a brilliant idea. I hope your 2016 is full of happiness!

    Love your blog by the way, followed! xox

  6. I love your goal of trying to slow down and try not to stress! It's so easy to get caught up in all the chaos of everyday life, and even though it's hard, sometimes we just need to realize that things aren't going to work out the way that we want and that's ok. Good luck with all of your goals this year!


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